Network Rail CP5 Switchgear – L. C. Switchgear

Project Completed: 27 Apr 2024
Customer: Network Rail

The Direct Current (DC) power supply was upgraded in 2005 for the introduction of the modern rolling stock and again in 2011 for the introduction of 12-car services. The DC traction power supply still operates below an N-1 capability in many places and the strategy in CP5 will be to bring the power supply network to an N-1 position that will give room for service growth and maintenance switch-outs without disrupting the timetabled services. It will be important that the whole system is upgraded where necessary to include the high voltage supply and equipment, the DC supply and associated equipment and the negative return bonding. The CP5 investment will be focused on DC switchgear renewal and electric traction equipment (ETE).

L.C. Switchgear are supplying Controlled Track Switches (CTS) and Negative Short Circuiting Devices (NSCD) for CP5. The CTS’s are used for quick on load DC isolation of the supplies while the NSCD’s are used to bond the conductor rails to enable quick SAFE access for maintenance and improvement in overnight possessions. This Smart Isolation is designed to give a longer working envelope in a possession and reducing the cost and duration of maintenance and moving toward a more efficient railway network.

The Controlled Track Switch (CTS) products are the same products used on CP4 and previously on the 2005 Power Supply Upgrade and the Channel Tunnel Reinforcement projects. These Controlled Track Switches (CTS), have been in service for many years. These units are Network Rail Accepted products; refer to Railway Products details. Electrification

The NSCD’s are a new product which combines two existing NR approved devices the LCS2 and the Bonding device associated with Depot CTS’s into one compact system.

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